The Ascension of Christ (Primary Title)
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo, Italian, 1727 - 1804 (Artist)
Formerly attributed to, Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, Italian, 1696 - 1770 (Artist)
Adolph D. and Wilkins C. Williams Fund
Giambattista Tiepolo, Musée du Petit Palais, Paris, Oct. 22, 1998-Jan. 24, 1999.
Late Italian Painting, Chapter exhibition, Piedmont Art Association, Martinsville, VA, Apr. 13-May 15, 1983; Roanoke Museum of Fine Arts, Roanoke, VA, May 18-June 26, 1983.
The Tiepolos: Painters to Princes and Prelates, Birmingham Museum, Jan. 8-Feb. 19, 1978; Springfield Museum of Art, Massachusetts, March 19-May 7, 1978.
Old Master and Contemporary Prints, Huntsville Museum of Art, Jan. 31-March 30, 1977.
The Circle of Canaletto, Allentown, PA, Art Museum, Feb. 19-March 21, 1971.
The Williams Collection, Artmobile exhibition, Fall 1965-1968.
Lynchburg Fine Arts Center, Sep. 23-Oct. 15, 1962.
Late Italian Painting, Chapter exhibition, Piedmont Art Association, Martinsville, VA, Apr. 13-May 15, 1983; Roanoke Museum of Fine Arts, Roanoke, VA, May 18-June 26, 1983.
The Tiepolos: Painters to Princes and Prelates, Birmingham Museum, Jan. 8-Feb. 19, 1978; Springfield Museum of Art, Massachusetts, March 19-May 7, 1978.
Old Master and Contemporary Prints, Huntsville Museum of Art, Jan. 31-March 30, 1977.
The Circle of Canaletto, Allentown, PA, Art Museum, Feb. 19-March 21, 1971.
The Williams Collection, Artmobile exhibition, Fall 1965-1968.
Lynchburg Fine Arts Center, Sep. 23-Oct. 15, 1962.
Some object records are not complete and do not reflect VMFA's full and current knowledge. VMFA makes routine updates as records are reviewed and enhanced.