Krishna Adorning Radha's Hair (Primary Title)
Unknown (Artist)
Writers and artists never tired of describing every detail of the amorous dalliances of Krishna and his favorite gopi, Radha. While titillating, these encounters were also profound theological statements about the soul’s passionate desire for union with God. Here, as part of their love play, the blue-skinned deity toys with Radha’s long, raven-black tresses and a string of pearls as she places an ornament on her ear. Seated on a soft bed of leaves beside a forest stream, they interact with tenderness and passionate anticipation, their eyes nearly—but not quite—meeting. Trees laden with feathery green foliage and delicate flowering vines surround them. The delightful style of this picture is typical of the soft, lyrical painting idiom developed in the Punjab Hills state of Kangra.
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