Rectangular Dish (Translation)
織部四方缽 桃山時代 美濃燒 弥七田窯 (Primary Title)
Yashichida kiln, Japanese (Artist)
Designed to hold sweet rice cakes at a tea ceremony, this shallow dish was produced at the Yashichida kiln. Its plant motifs were derived from tsujigahana textile, which combined resist-dyed, and painted designs. Produced in Mino, Gifu prefecture, Oribe ware took its name from Furuta Oribe (1543-1615), a feudal lord and a leading tea master.
Momoyama period (1573-1615)
Adolph D. and Wilkins C. Williams Fund
"Tsujigahana and Oribe," Suntory Museum, Tokyo, Japan
"Chisel, Wheel and Brush, Masterpieces of Japanese Art," Bluett and Sons, Ltd., London, October 26 - November 27, 1981
"Chisel, Wheel and Brush, Masterpieces of Japanese Art," Bluett and Sons, Ltd., London, October 26 - November 27, 1981
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