Jar with Lug Handles and Wave Design (Translation)
半山文化彩繪漩紋雙耳陶罐 新石器時期 (Primary Title)

Unknown (Artist)

ca. 2500 BC
Chinese, Banshan Culture
Earthenware with pigment
Overall: 15 1/2 × 17 × 14 1/2 in. (39.37 × 43.18 × 36.83 cm)
Shaped by hand, this painted red-clay jar represents one of the earliest painted ceramics produced on the upper bank of the Yellow River, in Gansu province in northwestern China. Used as a storage vessel for holding grains or water, this jar bears painted designs of waves and spirals, reflecting the life of local people and their close association with water and fishing.
Neolithic period
Gift of Mr. Mason M. Wang
Image released via Creative Commons CC-BY-NC

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