The Grueby Faience Company was one of the largest makers of distinctive Arts and Crafts pottery. FounderWilliam Grueby developed the matte glazes in greens, yellows, blues, and ivory that revolutionized the look of American art pottery. George Prentiss Kendrick, who designed this vase and its decoration, oversaw most of Grueby’s early designs, which the company continued to produce over the years. Like other commercial manufacturers, Grueby standardized its forms: men were hired to construct the objects, and female art students decorated them according to company designs. This vase, similar to an example displayed at the 1900World’s Fair in Paris and the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis, is extraordinary for its size and the quality of glazing and decoration. It was executed by the Japanese artist Kiichi Yamada, who was active at Grueby from 1900 to 1902.
Impressed on bottom: "GRUEBY FAIENCE COMPANY BOSTON U.S.A" (within a lotus blossom). Incised on bottom: "KY "
Arthur and Margaret Glasgow Fund
JapanAmerica: Points of Contact, 1876 – 1970, Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, August 27 – December 18, 2016
Image released via Creative Commons CC-BY-NC
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