Portrait of a Warrior (Translation)
騎馬武者像 室町時代 紙本着色 (Primary Title)
Portrait of Ashikaga Takauji (Former Title)
足利尊氏像 桃山時代 紙本着色 (Former Title)
Unknown (Artist)
Muromachi period (1336-1573)
Ashikaga shogun's kao (花押)
Adolph D. and Wilkins C. Williams Fund
On view G224, Japanese, Case 18 5/23/2013 - 5/6/2015
"Japanese Art," VMFA Artmobile, February 1968 - May 1969
"Portraits," Chapter exhibition, Peninsula Fine Arts Center, Newport News, May 2, 1984 - May 31, 1984; Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA, June 4, 1984 - June 29, 1984
"Japanese Art," VMFA Artmobile, February 1968 - May 1969
"Portraits," Chapter exhibition, Peninsula Fine Arts Center, Newport News, May 2, 1984 - May 31, 1984; Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA, June 4, 1984 - June 29, 1984
Image released via Creative Commons CC-BY-NC
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