Design + Mixed Media Classes

Design & Mixed Media Class at VMFA Studio SchoolThe most varied of all areas of studio art study, Design + Mixed-Media covers a wide range of classes and workshops including Hoop Embroidery, Introduction to Jewelry, Introduction to Stained Glass, Introduction to Sewing and many others.

Instructors Sarah Hand, Jude Schlotzhauer, Shelley Jones, and Mary Swezey teach many of the classes and workshops.


Class Schedule

Visible Mending Sampler Workshop [44]

Sat, Jul 20, 10 am – 4 pm (1 session)| Studio School, 1st  floor

Participants will learn about the history of visible mending with roots in Japanese Sashiko and Indian Kantha stitching. With guidance from the instructor, students will make a mending sampler featuring a variety of stitches to fix tears and holes in loved and worn clothing. You will learn skills to repair your clothing and make them interesting in the process. The instructor will provide a mending kit for $20, payable at the beginning of class. You may also want to bring additional cloth or a clothing item to work on during the workshop. 

$90 (VMFA members $75)


Crazy Quilt Sewing Workshop [45]

Sat & Sun, Jul 20 & 21, 10 am – 4 pm (2 sessions) | Studio School, 1st floor

This fast-moving and fun workshop explores a spontaneous approach to a traditional quilting favorite with an emphasis on contemporary design. Participants will learn a new way to piece quilt blocks together and create unique arrangements of blocks. Pieces will not be quilted during the class, but quilting options will be discussed. Bring your own sewing machine if possible. This technique only requires a straight stitch. There will be machines available for shared use.

$145 (VMFA members $130)