The Marquis of Waterford and Members of the Tipperary Hunt (The Noble Tips): Tipperary Boys (Primary Title)
The Marquis of Waterford and Members of the Tipperary Hunt (The Noble Tips): Tipperary Boys, the Marquis At Home (The Meet) (Alternate Title)
Francis Calcraft Turner, English, active 1782, died 1846 (Artist)
The elegant but extravagant Marquess of Waterford was master of the famous Tipperary Hunt held in Ireland, known as the “Noble Tips.” His reputation as a huntsman was somewhat exceeded by his wild behavior, such as proposing to the railway company that they “start two engines in opposite directions on the same line in order that he might witness the smash.” In the third of these four paintings he is shown “doing the thing well” – jumping elegantly with his right arm held over his head. He was later Master of the Waterford Hounds from 1844 until his death in a hunting accident in 1859 – a period that partly coincided with the Great Irish Famine.
Inscribed at lower left, "F.C. Turner 1842."
Paul Mellon Collection
2018-2019: "A Sporting Vision: The Paul Mellon Collection of British Sporting Art from the VMFA", National Sporting Museum & Library, Middleburg, VA, April 13 - July 22, 2018; Frist Art Museum, Nashville, TN, February 2 - May 5, 2019; Frick Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, June 15 - September 8, 2019
Image released via Creative Commons CC-BY-NC
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