Untitled (Primary Title)
Evening Landscape (Vendor's Title)
River Landscape in France (Vendor's Title)

Edward B. Gay, American, 1837 - 1928 (Artist)

ca. 1875-1885
Oil on canvas
Place Depicted,Europe,France
Framed: 32 × 42 in. (81.28 × 106.68 cm)

In 1881 Edward Gay went to London and was deeply moved by the art of John Constable, whose depictions of clouds were likely an influence on Gay as he painted Evening Landscape. In this work, trees flank both sides of the river, intensifying the foreshortening of perspective. The artist further plumbs the atmospheric element by silhouetting the trees against the partly cloudy skies. In keeping with other contemporary post–Civil War landscape painters, Gay depicts houses and other signs of civilization visible through the foliage in such a way that the reflective stream breaks them down into abstractly mirrored patterns.

Gift of Nereide Ellis and Tonda Rush

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