
Poets’ term for poetry inspired by art: Ekphrastic

The Poetry Society of Virginia group wrote for an Ekphrastic Day visit to VMFA. As you may know, ekphrastic means poetry inspired by art. STUDY FOR HOMAGE TO THE SQUARE: TRANSMUTE A square yellow box, inside a square aqua box, inside a square box, slate-grey, inside a square box, russet. (Their colors a lush, blotched…

In Memory of Rachel Lambert Mellon

Rachel Lambert Mellon, nicknamed “Bunny,” died on March 17 at age 103. A longtime supporter of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Mrs. Paul Mellon contributed substantially to VMFA’s permanent collection with donations of the jewelry and objects d’art she commissioned from Jean Schlumberger. In memory of Mrs. Mellon, Flower Pot, a Schlumberger work in…

Moments with Need Supply Co.

Thanks Need Supply Co. for featuring Posing Beauty in this week’s Moments with Sunday. By: Molly Szkotak, PR & Social Media Manager, Need Supply Co. The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (VMFA) has an incredible collection of art from all eras, and luckily for us it’s right in our backyard. Their newest exhibit, Posing Beauty,…

VMFA in the summertime

And the winner is…

Richmond is a city full of great things to do and see. In most parts of town, you don’t have to go much more than a block to find a historic site, a museum, or a fabulous restaurant or shop that looks intriguing and lures you inside to enjoy. That’s why it’s such an honor…

Virginia State Talent

An Art & Design class at Virginia State University developed terrific Posing Beauty poster models. : See their Tumblr site with all the designs here.

Ladies and Gentlemen… The Avant-Garde

In winter, 1913, The International Exhibition of Modern Art, better known as The Armory Show, opened in New York City.  It was fully loaded with over 1300 modern artworks by more than 300 artists from Europe and America.  Mere style and technique would challenge the sensibilities of the norm and spur a sea change in…

Hollywood Costume Hoop Skirt

My skirt won’t fit through the door and other musings on historical fashion

Having to sometimes wear pantyhose is a small price to pay compared to what women used to have to do for the sake of fashion. Hoop skirts, or the Spanish originating farthingale, dominated women’s fashion for almost 300 years. Hoop skirts would be covered in petticoats and provide shape to a woman’s gown. The hoops on…

Fellowship serve artists throughout Virginia

Now that the 2014-15 VMFA Fellowship recipients have been announced, we at VMFA thought it might be fun to take a look ‘behind the scenes’ and explore a few facts about the Fellowship that you might not know. To start, did you know that the Fellowship has become an increasingly competitive process? While VMFA has…

Demonstrator During the march on Washington, D.C.

African American Read-In Schedule

African American Read-In February 20th, 2014: 5 – 6:30 pm Readers and Selections Paul Laurence Dunbar, 1928 / The Prodigal Son, 1927 Readers: Reverend Mischelle Townsend  / Saint Paul’s Baptist Church and Reverend Macio Freeman / Saint Paul’s Baptist Church Selections:  We Wear the Masks and The Prodigal Son   Christ and His Disciples on…

Celebrating Black History Month

In recognition of Black History Month, VMFA is offering a trio of amazing events highlighting African-American culture in music, film, and literature. February is also the birthday month of iconic singer Marian Anderson, the first black person to ever perform at the renowned Metropolitan in New York City in 1955. This Wednesday, February 19th, join…