Interactive Exercise | Caption It! <em> At the Mine </em>

Interactive Exercise | Caption It! At the Mine

Images can be powerful instruments of communication. Spending time to thoughtfully explore an artwork allows students to unpack visual clues and the ideas they present. Use this interactive exercise to help students synthesize these ideas as they translate the visual into the verbal and hone their creative and critical thinking skills.

Grade Level:
Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12
European Art
Subject Area:
Communication, Creative Thinking, Critical Thinking, Visual Arts
Activity Type:
Distance Learning, Engagement Activity

Interactive Exercise | Caption It! At the Mine

Artists throughout time have come to their work with stories to tell, concepts to explore, and puzzles to work out.  Spending time to thoughtfully explore the visual clues in a work of art and consider the big ideas they present can be a fun challenge. Give it a try with an artwork made by twentieth-century German artist Conrad Felixmüller.

You don’t have to be a scholar or an art specialist to take a closer look and think carefully about this artwork. All you will need is a little bit of time, some curiosity, your imagination, and something to write with!  Just click through the slides below.

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