Mould for Amulet of Isis Suckling Horus (Primary Title)
Mould for Amulet of Isis with Infant Horus (Alternate Title)
Unknown (Artist)
The Egyptians used molds to make terracotta and faience figures as early as the end of the third millennium B.C. The figure here is a modern cast from this ancient mold.
Dynasties 18-20
New Kingsom Period
Adolph D. and Wilkins C. Williams Fund
“Life and Afterlife: Cycles of Nature and Belief in Ancient Egypt,” Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (Richmond, VA); Penninsula Fine Arts Center (Newport News, VA): 12 June-9 August 1999; William King Museum of Art (Abingdon, VA): 27 August-10 October 1999; Piedmont Arts Association (Martinsville, VA): 15 October-28 November 1999; Emerson Gallery (McLean, VA): 3 December 1999-15 January 2000; Longwood Center for the Visual Arts (Farmville, VA): 22 January-5 March 2000.
Image released via Creative Commons CC-BY-NC
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