Oil on canvas
United States
Overall: 49 3/4 × 63 3/4 in. (126.37 × 161.93 cm)

"I don't paint with ideas of art in mind. I see something that excites me. It becomes my content." -Willem de Kooning

The bold energetic brushstrokes in this work are characteristic of de Kooning's Abstract Expressionist style. Abstract Expressionists took as their subject the artist's inner life, as captured by spontaneous gestures.

De Kooning recalled returning to his studio the morning after completing the painting to find that his two-year-old daughter had pressed her paint covered hands onto the canvas. De Kooning left Lisbeth's handprints and titled the painting in her honor. Like the Surrealists, whoexplored the unconscious using chance and randomness, de Kooning and his contemporaries embraced the importance of the accidental as a source of creative expression.


Gift of Sydney and Frances Lewis
2018: Collecting for the Commonwealth Preserving for the Nation, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, 1919-2018, Winter Antiques Show, Park Avenue Armory, New York City, NY, January 18 - 26, 2018.

The Common Wealth, Roanoke Museum of Fine Arts, December 1, 1990 – February 3, 1991

Willem de Kooning: An Exhibition of Paintings, Salander - O'Reilly Galleries, Inc., New York, NY, September 4 – October 13, 1990

Made in America, Virginia Beach Arts Center, Virginia Beach, VA, April 5 – June 11, 1989

Contemporary Art from the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Muscarelle Museum, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, September 20 – November 15, 1987

Selections from the Sydney and Frances Lewis Collection of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington, DE, March 29 – May 10, 1987

Westkunst, Rheinhallen Fairgrounds, Cologne, Germany, May 30 - August 16, 1981

18th, 19th, and 20th Century Paintings, Joe and Emily Lowe Art Gallery, Coral Gables, FL, July - September 1962

Willem de Kooning, Sidney Janis Gallery, New York, NY, May 1959
(Sidney Janis Gallery, New York) by 1959; Mr. and Mrs. S.J. Levin; (Christie, Manson & Woods, New York) by 1979; Purchased by Mr and Mrs. Sydney and Frances Lewis, Richmond, Virginia, 1979; Gift to Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (VMFA), Richmond, Virginia in December 1985.
©artist or artist’s estate

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