Untitled from the installation Crossroads (Primary Title)

Alison Saar, American, born 1956 (Artist)

Wood, found metal objects
Place Made,United States
Overall: 69 × 18 × 16 in. (175.26 × 45.72 × 40.64 cm)
Sydney and Frances Lewis Endowment Fund
Identity Shifts, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, VA, April 26 – July 27, 2014

Alison Saar: Fertile Gound & Crossroads, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, VA, February 18 - May 15, 1994

Transformed Reality, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, VA, February 18 - May 16, 1993

Currents: Installations by 4 Artists, Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Santa Barbara, CA, 1989

Traditions and Transformations: Contemporary African-American Sculpture, Bronx Museum, New York, NY, 1989

Secrets, Dialogues, Revelations: The Art of Betye and Alison Saar, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, IL, 1990-91

Inside Looking In: An Installation by Alison Saar, Neuberger Museum, Purchase, NY, 1992; Nelson Atkins Musuem, Kansas City, MO, - November 29, 1992
Collection of the artist, New York; (Thomas Barry Fine Arts, Minneapolis, MN); Purchased by Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (VMFA), Richmond, Virginia in November of 1992. [1]

[1] Accessioned November 17, 1992. See VMFA Curatorial file.
© Alison Saar

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