Pitcher (Primary Title)
Unknown (Maker)
This creamware pitcher represents the type of goods produced by British manufacturers for the American market in the early years of the new republic. Between the 1780s and the 1820s, English potteries capitalized on American demand for patriotic works by exporting ceramics emblazoned with the heroes and themes of the Revolution and the young nation. The details were produced by inking an engraved copper plate and preparing a tissue copy for transfer to the object’s surface. A second firing secured the image prior to the application of a transparent glaze.
This pitcher bears a collage of images that include a liberty cap, a republican eagle, thirteen stars representing the original colonies, a portrait of George Washington, a group of Revolutionary War soldiers, and a merchant ship. The ribbon surrounding these illustrations proclaims that “By Virtue and Valour we have freed our country, extended our commerce, and laid the foundation of a Great Empire,” suggesting the goals and ideals for America’s future.
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