Buddhist Altar Pendant (Keman) (Translation)
金銅蓮華唐草文透彫華鬘 室町時代 (Primary Title)
Temple ornament (Object Name)
Unknown (Artist)
This fan-shaped plaque is known as keman. Objects such as this serve as Buddhist ritual pendants and can be found hanging above a temple altar or on the wall. The use of keman originated in ancient India, where fresh flower garlands were used to adorn deities. Adopted to Buddhist rituals, the keman were made in fabric, leather, and wood, as well as metal like this one. It bears an inscription that indicates it was commissioned by Military Governor of Bitchu Province in 1533 for the Hogonji Temple on the Chikubu Island.
Pure Land Buddhism
Muromachi period (1392-1573)
備中守 (Governor of Bitchu Province)
岩金山竹生嶋 天文二年癸巳十月吉日 本願凈信旦那備中守 (To Gankonsan, Chikubu Island, entrusting to the Primal Vow with sincere mind, from your patron Governor of Bitchu Province, an auspicious day of 10th month, Tenbun 2, kishi year [1533])
Special Oriental Art Purchase Fund
Image released via Creative Commons CC-BY-NC
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