Untitled (East End Cemetery) (Primary Title)

Brian Palmer, American, born 1964 (Artist)

Archival pigment print
Image: 38 × 47 7/8 in. (96.52 × 121.6 cm)
Framed: 41 × 51 × 1 3/4 in. (104.14 × 129.54 × 4.45 cm)

A burial ground for an estimated ten thousand to thirteen thousand Black Richmonders, East End Cemetery was founded in 1897 but gradually reverted to nature in the mid-20th century due to Jim Crow policies that starved it of resources and marginalized the community it served. In the summer of 2013, efforts to restore East End Cemetery and its neighboring Evergreen Cemetery began in full force. For Palmer, these efforts are “a subset of a lifelong project to restore strands of our collective American history.”

National Endowment for the Arts Fund for American Art

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